
Lane Town Planning offers a full range of planning services, ranging from appraising your potential scheme through to providing expert witness evidence at public inquiry.  With all aspects of the services, we aim to bring real world development experience to secure you consents that are commercially deliverable.

Planning Appraisals

If you have a site and want to understand its potential for development, Lane Town Planning can complete a planning appraisal to establish what uses may be acceptable, in planning terms.

Local Plan 

Securing the development potential of your site will often require a comprehensive approach involving the making of representations to an emerging local plan (including any evidence base) and attendance at Examination in Public (EiP).  

With recent changes to the planning system, the onus is now on councils to review their plans every five years.  This will provide more opportunities for securing a positive allocation on your property, or indeed, making the case as required against potential adverse planning uses that may affect your property.  

Councils will be required to demonstrate a robust five year housing land supply in order for a plan to be found 'sound' by the planning inspector.  This service can therefore include as required the provision of five year housing land supply evidence for presentation EiP.


Lane Town Planning can coordinate the submission of planning applications through to determination, including:

  • Pre-Application Consultation with the Local Planning Authority
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening
  • Public consultation
  • Coordination of the planning consultancy team and design of a robust scheme that responds to identified planning constraints
  • Preparation of Planning Statements
  • Preparation of Socio-Economic Benefits Statements
  • Submission and monitoring of the planning application (importantly giving regular and timely updates to clients)
  • Presentation to Planning Committee
  • Negotiation of commercially viable planning conditions and s.106 Agreements. 


If your scheme requires Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Lane Town Planning can coordinate the preparation and submission, from Scoping through to determination.

Planning Appeals 
Expert Witness

Lane Town Planning will do all we can to secure a consent by working collaboratively with the local authority. In the event your application is unsuccessful, Lane Town Planning can coordinate all the specialist evidence and documents needed to make your case to the Planning Inspectorate (PINs).  

The appeal service includes:

  • Determination of the appropriate procedure for your scheme (written representations, hearing or public inquiry)
  • The coordination and instruction of counsel (if required)
  • The preparation and submission of the relevant appeal forms, Statement of Case, Statement of Common Ground and Core Documents.
  • The coordination of evidence from all other consultants required to address the Council's reasons for refusal, along with the submission of cogent and compelling planning evidence.
  • Agreement of the Statement of Common Ground with the Council, refining the areas of disagreement as far as possible.
  • Agreeing Draft Planning Conditions and S.106 planning obligation (if required) with the Council.
  • Giving oral evidence at a hearing or public inquiry.

Five-Year Housing 
Land Supply 

Local plans and Five Year Housing Land Supply Statements prepared by councils are often founded on over-ambitous forecasts of housing delivery. 

Lane Town Planning can prepare full assessments of a council's claimed five year housing land supply in support of an application, local plan representation, or appeal.

This service draws on extensive experience in the housing sector of not just planning for housing schemes, but delivering them.


Once your scheme has secured consent, Lane Town Planning can help you discharge planning conditions and planning obligations to help get you make a lawful start on site as quickly as possible.  

Alternatively, if you have an existing consent that requires amendment or alteration to assist delivery, we can seek to work with the council to vary the permission.


Full planning applications are not always the best, or most cost effective, way of realising the value in your property.  Lane Town Planning can assist you with other planning application types as appropriate, whether they be Lawful Development Certificates (LDC), Prior Approval notifications or Planning in Principle (PiP) submissions. 

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